“Miami County’s future growth will continue to be shaped by a variety of influences unique to the county. This plan update (2006 Comprehensive Plan) attempts to recognize these influences and to serve as a resource for those involved in making land use management decisions. The added benefit of this process will be to encourage the preservation of farmland; the efficient use of public infrastructure investment; a knowledgeable application of zoning, including the continuation of agriculturally-supportive zoning; and the managed expansion of urban areas with identifiable urban service area boundaries.”
According to the Comprehensive Plan, “areas designated as Special Planning Areas represent sections of Miami County where development potential and/or unique conditions exist that would support more than one type of urban use or concentration of land uses.” The Plan further states that “future growth in these Special Planning areas will depend on the utility services available, transportation improvements, and surrounding land use patterns. Given these factors, special planning areas should be developed only after more detailed master planning of the areas is accomplished.”
The Special Planning Area described as the North County Road25-A Corridor is bounded by the City of Troy to the south, the Miami River to the east, the City of Piqua to the north, and Washington Road to the west. The purpose the PLANCR25A planning effort is to update but not replace the current Comprehensive Plan recommendations, and address changes that have occurred since the adoption of the plan, in 2006.