Given recent development interest in the Miami County area, it is important to strategically build upon the County’s current plans, as well as address changes that have occurred since these previous planning efforts. In 2006, the Miami County Comprehensive Plan inventoried the county’s existing conditions, and completed an analysis to determine what types of development would be suitable for the area. The plan then included recommendations for future land use and thoroughfares.
For future land use recommendations, the Comprehensive Plan divided the County into 48 Planning Areas, with some areas designated as “Special Planning Areas” due to the unique conditions affecting both the type and timing of development there. The 2006 Comprehensive plan stated that these Special Planning Areas could support more than one type of urban use or concentration of land uses, and should only be developed after more detailed master planning of the areas was accomplished.
One of those special planning areas was the North County Road 25-A Corridor, which is bounded by the City of Troy to the south, the Miami River to the east, the City of Piqua to the north, and Washington Road to the west. The purpose of the PLAN CR25A project is to develop a Master Plan for the North County Road 25-A Corridor that can be directly implemented by the county. To do so, the project team must first identify the unique characteristics of the Corridor, engage with the public, and determine the infrastructure improvements required for future development.
This is why the county and project team need your help!
We are asking residents of Miami County to share their vision for County Road 25-A by completing our online survey and attending public engagement events.
Check out the community survey here
Following public input, the project team will prepare design concepts and recommendations that promote the corridor, as well as detail any necessary zoning and development regulations needed. These recommendations will then be presented to the public for their additional input.