The City of Livingston welcomes feedback from the community throughout the Growth Policy planning process. There are several ways you can participate in this process:
- Attend meetings. Recordings of all meetings are available on Livingston’s YouTube page.
- Sign up to receive updates throughout the planning process.
- Use the Community Feedback Form to provide any feedback, including questions, comments, and recommendations on Livingston’s Growth Policy.
City Planning Board Recommendation to City Commission – April 21, 2021
5:30 PM via Zoom |
The purpose of this meeting is to finalize the draft Growth Policy and making a recommendation for the City Commission to consider for adoption.
10 public meetings/hearings have been conducted since the initial draft was received. The Growth Policy has been available for public comment since October 2020. The posting of public hearing announcements on the City webpages, and in the newspaper were the mechanism by which public comment was solicited. Stakeholders and the public has been instrumental in the development and revisions of the draft policy.
City Planning Board Public Meeting #4 – December 16, 2020
5:30 PM via Zoom | | Meeting ID: 853 3120 8578
This is the fourth meeting in a series of public hearings the City Planning Board is conducting to garner as much feedback as possible on the draft Growth Policy, before passing their formal recommendations on to the Livingston City Commission.
City Planning Board Public Meeting #3 – December 2, 2020
5:30 PM via Zoom | | Meeting ID: 825 8434 0494
This is the third meeting in a series of public hearings the City Planning Board is conducting to garner as much feedback as possible on the draft Growth Policy, before passing their formal recommendations on to the Livingston City Commission.
City Planning Board Public Meeting #2 – November 18, 2020
5:30 PM via Zoom | | Meeting ID: 815 7989 9050
This is the second meeting in a series of public hearings the City Planning Board is conducting to garner as much feedback as possible on the draft Growth Policy, before passing their formal recommendations on to the Livingston City Commission. A representative from Burton Planning Services, will present at this meeting.
Mini-Survey on Community Character
We wanted to know more about your opinions on preserving community character, so we issued a brief survey to hear from you. Over 280 people responded between May 25 and June 5, 2020! Below is a graphic showing the most common themes mentioned when asked to define “community character”.

Opinions on Future Growth Areas
As part of the Community Meetings on June 16 and July 1, 2020, and for a period of time online thereafter, community members shared their opinions on development that could occur in the future growth areas and the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction.
Virtual Community Meeting #2 – July 1, 2020
Community members logged on to hear a status update on the Growth Policy process and continue the discussion about the future of Livingston. Featured the presentation from the June 16th Community Meetings. Questions and answers followed.
Watch a recording of the meeting.
Community Meeting #2 – June 16, 2020
Community members attended two instances of this meeting on June 16th – 12 pm and 5 pm – at the Civic Center to hear an update on the Growth Policy process and continue the discussion about the future of Livingston.
Survey Results Summary

See who responded to the survey and what they had to say about their opinions on priorities to include in the Growth Policy (click here to download a PDF).
Community Meeting #1 – January 28, 2020

Find out what was discussed at the Community Meeting by reading the summary (click here to download a PDF).
See a summary of the Visual Preference Survey results (click here to download a PDF).